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Synopsys: EDA Partner

Synopsys technology is at the heart of innovations that are changing the way people work and play. Self-driving cars. Machines that learn. Lightning-fast communication across billions of devices in the datasphere. These breakthroughs are ushering in the era of Smart Everything―where devices are getting smarter, everything is connected, and everything must be secure.

Powering this new era of digital innovation are high-performance silicon chips and exponentially growing amounts of software content. Synopsys is at the forefront of Smart Everything with the world’s most advanced technologies for chip design, verification, IP integration, software security and quality testing. We help our customers innovate from silicon to software so they can bring Smart Everything to life.

Synopsys partnership is a crucial piece in the establishment of SFAL and the tools offered are competent with the market trends. Synopsys tools and IPs are game changing and will prove to be helpful to all SFAL Companies.

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